Monday, December 27, 2010

short update

Until it is time to go or at least close to time there won't be a lot of updates. This blog is more for when we travel so we can keep in touch with family and friends.
That being said I will get on here every now and then and let you know how things are going.

Holly and I traveled to Nashville last week on a whim. Hoping we could get our fingerprints taken for the USCIS.
The proper procedure is you send in your paperwork, they review it, then send you an appoiontment for when you can have your fingerprints taken.
We didn't have an appoinment but thought we would try it anyway. (just to hurry things along)

Well, they let us do it and we figure we saved at least a month since our appointment would have been late January. Now we wait for the results (that can take anywhere from 10 to 60 days) but when we get those we expect things to really pick up speed.
So pray that the results come quickly and when they do we will let you know. Then things should really start to roll on here. (We think)


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9:59 AM  

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