Holly's Turn
Well, Sam finally let me have a turn with the laptop. Actually, this is the 1st chance I've had to post since we got here. Things have been very busy in the apartment. A word to all the ladies out there - we are so spoiled in the U.S.!!! (Please keep in mind - I'm not complaining, just letting you know how things are here.) I boil a pan of water to do dishes, then boil another pan to rinse the dishes with. Doing a small load of laundry takes hours. The "washing machine" holds about as many clothes as a one gallon bucket and takes 2 1/2 to 3 hrs to complete the cycle. Then I have this lovely outside porch to hang the clothes out on, so they can air dry. (that way they get that good "stiff" feeling) I've decided from now on I'm doing laundry in a bucket or the kitchen sink. - but will still have to air dry on the porch. Did I mention the high heels?? I have yet to see one woman (besides myself) wear tennis shoes - it's amazing! I would never make it here for an extended period of time. Women in the city, countryside, wherever we may be are wearing high heels. We all know to make a proper fashion statement one must wear very tight pants or a very short skirt with the high heels. (I must stand out in my capri's and sandals.) I am just continually amazed with the different culture, it's different, but so interesting. Now about the kids...
They are absolutely wonderful. I feel like God has been saving these children just for us. It's so nice to hear the compliments from the babyhouse caregivers on how the children are responding to us. They came straight to us the 1st day, no crying or wimpers. It was great! Alia now listens for my voice when we are in the same room and Bolat crawled a few feet today. I feel like they are already making such progress.
I have to tell you about Sam. He is completely wonderful with the children, as I knew he would be. During our visit yesterday, Sam and I were outside with the kids on a blanket playing and he decided to push bolat in the stroller. While he was away, Gulnara (our coordinator) came over to the blanket and started talking to me about how lucky I was and what a good father Sam is. She seemed very interested in details about our relationship. Sam and I have noticed that most couples here don't appear to be married, just dating maybe. We have mainly seen young teenage couples and then mothers with their children. Then groups of men gathered around cars and along the side of the road smoking. (as I was typing this Sam did the dishes for me - I bet that doesn't happen too often here!)
We really appreciate all of the comments for our friends/family. It really helps us feel somewhat connected to home.
Uncle Derek, Mom, and Dad - I tried to call you all tonight (Sunday morning for you) but are having trouble dialing out. I'll try to ask Emil (our driver ) for help. We may not be able to call and just have to rely on e-mail. Please let us know how baby is doing. We really miss her!! I love you all!
Margaret, Tish , and Kristin- I hope you girls have a great time at Tish's shower today. You are such a special group of girls and I can't wait for you to meet our children.
Anne and Garry - It was good to see your post. I'm sure we will be getting some help from mom and dad (and sam's family as well) once we return. We are surviving here, we did bring some clif bars from the u.s. and I think they will be gone in the next day or so :-)
Karen- Isn't the adoption process amazing? I'm so thankful for our friendship and for this special connection we have through our children. I have been concerned about bolat - I just want him to feel good.
Andrea - They both love the book. I'm glad you suggested it- I should've bought two!
Christy and Kent- thank-you for the prayers. We will have lots of funny stories to share over dinner one night. I sure could go for a bowl of rafferty's potato soup right now!
Teodozow's and Nanny and Poppy - thank-you for posting so many comments and checking the blog so often. We can feel the love all the way across the ocean! We can't wait for you to meet our children. They are precious.
I also want to thank everyone for their prayers for Bolat/Andrew. He seemed better today (other than the food incident), they tell us he may have a food allergy. I can't wait to get him to Dr. Mason!
Please continue praying for us. We have only been here a few days, yet it seems like much longer. We are running out of the snacks and things I brought from the U.s. and I'm not sure how my stomach is going to handle Kazakh food. Love to you all,
They are absolutely wonderful. I feel like God has been saving these children just for us. It's so nice to hear the compliments from the babyhouse caregivers on how the children are responding to us. They came straight to us the 1st day, no crying or wimpers. It was great! Alia now listens for my voice when we are in the same room and Bolat crawled a few feet today. I feel like they are already making such progress.
I have to tell you about Sam. He is completely wonderful with the children, as I knew he would be. During our visit yesterday, Sam and I were outside with the kids on a blanket playing and he decided to push bolat in the stroller. While he was away, Gulnara (our coordinator) came over to the blanket and started talking to me about how lucky I was and what a good father Sam is. She seemed very interested in details about our relationship. Sam and I have noticed that most couples here don't appear to be married, just dating maybe. We have mainly seen young teenage couples and then mothers with their children. Then groups of men gathered around cars and along the side of the road smoking. (as I was typing this Sam did the dishes for me - I bet that doesn't happen too often here!)
We really appreciate all of the comments for our friends/family. It really helps us feel somewhat connected to home.
Uncle Derek, Mom, and Dad - I tried to call you all tonight (Sunday morning for you) but are having trouble dialing out. I'll try to ask Emil (our driver ) for help. We may not be able to call and just have to rely on e-mail. Please let us know how baby is doing. We really miss her!! I love you all!
Margaret, Tish , and Kristin- I hope you girls have a great time at Tish's shower today. You are such a special group of girls and I can't wait for you to meet our children.
Anne and Garry - It was good to see your post. I'm sure we will be getting some help from mom and dad (and sam's family as well) once we return. We are surviving here, we did bring some clif bars from the u.s. and I think they will be gone in the next day or so :-)
Karen- Isn't the adoption process amazing? I'm so thankful for our friendship and for this special connection we have through our children. I have been concerned about bolat - I just want him to feel good.
Andrea - They both love the book. I'm glad you suggested it- I should've bought two!
Christy and Kent- thank-you for the prayers. We will have lots of funny stories to share over dinner one night. I sure could go for a bowl of rafferty's potato soup right now!
Teodozow's and Nanny and Poppy - thank-you for posting so many comments and checking the blog so often. We can feel the love all the way across the ocean! We can't wait for you to meet our children. They are precious.
I also want to thank everyone for their prayers for Bolat/Andrew. He seemed better today (other than the food incident), they tell us he may have a food allergy. I can't wait to get him to Dr. Mason!
Please continue praying for us. We have only been here a few days, yet it seems like much longer. We are running out of the snacks and things I brought from the U.s. and I'm not sure how my stomach is going to handle Kazakh food. Love to you all,
I needed to be the first to comment here. Holly has been typing for the last hour, she mentioned I did the dishes but I also put together 2 babybeds that she has been after me to do. took my shower, hung a curtain in the bedroom, and watched a little snowy kazak tv all while she typed. Also, No pictures from her. I've tried to get her to post before but in all fairness. she isn't feeling her best. She is pretty routined in her eating and this isn't her routine!
I need to now comment on Sam's comment. The two "baby beds" he put together were pack n' play's - portable cribs. Went together in minutes. The "curtain" in the bedroom is actually a dark blanket I found in the bottom of the closet for him to drape over the windows (there are no curtains in our apartment). However, he did the dishes and that is completely accurate!
Detail, details! She called them babybeds and acted like they would be hard to put together. I can't help it that my vast inteligence speeds me through my work. The blanket/curtain is to block out light not hide us from peeping toms. We are on the 5th floor (no elevator) and again, if it's so easy why didn't she do it? I wasn't posting to show how much I had done, just how long it took her to post!
In case you're wondering why or how we are posting one after the other, The battle for the bathroom has begun and it gives us something to occupy our minds while we wait for our turn.
"Montezuma will have his revenge"
Thanks for all the entertainment!!I told everyone at church today to keep you all in their prayers. Hang in there....this is going to be over soon and you will be home. HIP-HIP-HURRAY!!!!!Hug those babies good for me. Love,Aunt Jane
You will have to come hug them yourself when we get home. They are precious beyond what we could describe.
Glad everyone is enjoying staying in touch this way. (and enjoying our misery) How can it be this fun in this environment?
Life confuses me!
Hey Yall,
I am so glad to hear that Bolat it doing better! I love the pictures. I talked to my friend this morning at church who was a "worker" there in Kazakhstan and surrounding areas. I was filling her in on everthing, including the food. She told me to tell you to look for an Uzbek resturant. She said they tend to be pretty good, considering. She said there were two dishes that aren't too bad. Lagman - which is rice and beef stew. The other is Pilmeni - which is tortellini in chcken broth. Hope that helps. I will pass along anything else when I talk to her again! Still praying!
Sheri Tucker says.....
Hey guys!! I can't believe the time has come for you to get your little bundles of joy. Boy, won't Baby be suprised when you get home with two little kids. :-) I'm sure she will be a GREAT big sister.
All is well with Lee, myself, and Brady. He's be 2 weeks old on Tuesday. I can't believe how the time is flying by. Dakota is being a good big brother. He's not real sure what Brady is. He just sniffs at him.
You guys take care of yourselves. Can't wait until you get home and get settled so the kids can meet each other.
Our love and prayers,
Sam and Holly, sorry to hear about your revenge, Hope it doesn't last too long. Will put your stomachs on my prayer list.
I took a print out and pictures to church this a.m. All who read it had tears in their eyes, but agreed the babies are beautiful..
Can I apologize quickly to John and Kathy, I knew they are in Deleware, have been for sometime, Senior moment. Another Senior moment(when they get this close can you can them moments?) J and O's friend Woost is in Wisconsin. I knew that too, as soon as I sent the message. Everybody just bear with the Excited Gran
Hey guys,
Ran into Aunt 2 B at church this am, and she was a real life picture packin' mama. Love the stories. Holly, Raf does sound good. But the thought of more of these stories with all of the missing pieces filled in, is almost tormenting. Sam, I am completely with you on the whole contruction, pounding your chest, testosterone flowing thing. It may not have been rocket science, but it got done. Take care you guys.K,C,P,M
Now it is my turn. Since Kent has been off this weekend he has taken over the computer!! I am glad to hear Bolat is doing better. Will continue praying for him though. How much longer til you are in charge of having them all the time? Will you be able to choose what they wear and the size spoon you feed them with? They are so precious! Not getting tired of the stories or pictures! Holly, I am so sorry that the laundry experience is as is....but maybe that is God's way of preparing you to have joy in your heart when you get home and have endless loads of laundry for four as opposed to two. You will always be able to remember boiling water and ringing out clothes! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! Lots of love...
Hi guys it's Stacey. I finally figured out how to leave you guys a message. I have been checking the website at least twice a day. The babies are precious. I'm so glad to hear Bolat was better. I explained to Owen that Sam and Holly's baby was sick and he went into his room and I heard him say a little prayer. So we are ALL praying for you. Can't wait to hear again from you soon.
sam and holly:hope this finds you doing well.i told your mother, i do believe those kids get better looking with each picture.i know the pleasures of these days are interspersed with hardships for you both. the memory of these days will grow more precious as the years roll on though.we will keep praying for the four of you and look forward to when we will hear from you again. love poppy.
Hey guys-
First of all the babies are still as precious as they were yesterday. The look on your faces is a beautiful thing to see. I know things are tough sometimes but it sounds like you have a positive attitude and know that this is a "labor" that must be done to achieve the blessing at the end. How wonderful Holly, that you have Sam to go thru that with you! I hope and pray that you will be able to find food soon. As for the babies, only a short time until they are in your care and you can start to feed and care for them as you like. What kind of allergy do they think Bolat has? You are all in my prayers and I am looking forward to hearing what is next on your adventure.
Love- the abells
Good morning all. I am having trouble sleeping so I thought I would get up and check the blog and amazingly you all did not let me down. If you guys look forward to reading it I would have to say we look forward to it al least as much as you.
It is wonderful to hear that our pictures were shown at church. (many churches sounds like) It is nice to have friends that care for us as all of you do.
We do miss our baby (dog) as she has been our constant companion since we were first married. She would love it here because Holly and I can't finish anything we start to eat but I'm sure she would not have the same handicap.
Emily and Whitney, be sure to win enough games that you stretch out your season so we won't miss all your games. Sorry to hear about the homework:O(
We look forward to seeing all the family, friends, church members, who have helped us through this wonderful/trying time. We miss you all. Sam
One question. How come Holly gets like 17 comments on her post for the day, and I get like 2? I am the one posting the pictures you know!
I might just go on strike. That would show you. From Holly I can almost guarantee you get no pictures.
Just kidding everybody. I don't care where you post, just post! This whole thing could never have happened for us without her. she is so organized and focused on this task. She is already great with them and I am sure will only get better. The first day with the kids we were probably even but she is pulling ahead of me by quite a bit already. But then a baby should love his mother!
Sam, I think I can tell you why she got more posts. Most of us post on the last post..it really doesn't have anything to do with who posts, at least with me. We really aren't partial, well yes I am too, I'm partial to both of you. Does that help? Love Mom
Check your last posting (the one with pictures):)
Love your sis,
Just got back from Louisville and Lexington. Right now we are having trouble scrolling down the comment section. Will keep trying. What is wrong with the city food, we were under the impression that you would eat good in the city????
Do you know if we can send you'all some type of "CARE" package. We are going to call around tomorrow. Also, should we, or should you contact your cordinators about the food situation and get their advice on what other adoptors have done. Will pick up BABY and the SCOOTER tomorrow morning from the kennels.
Find something to cook ... Even if it's a "ROAD KILL" opossum.
We'll do what ever we can here.
Hang tough ..
Love you'all ...Mom and Dad
Hey guys! I have been leaving you comments,but I just found out from Christy that I was e-mailing you. I have thoroughly enjoyed checking on your adventure. I hate to hear about the heat rash. I must say I have a reaction myself everytime I check your website. I get goosebumps and start tearing up. I know God will see you through this exciting yet trying time. I will be lifting you up in my prayers.
Just had a thought....
Can you "Hook-Up" your driver to get you'all some food? MAYBE FIND YOU'ALL A UZBEK food place..
Love M&D
Uncle Derek sent you a comment on Saturday nite from Lexington. I can't find it anywhere???
He will go over to Todd's computer whenever he can to get an up-date on you'all and post a comment.
Love, The one that has to do the comments ... and the actual "BABY" sitting....
I see I'm winning on the # of comments for a post - maybe b/c I have only posted once since we have been here!!
Margaret - Thanks for the food advice we'll see what we can find. I did bring Cipro like you suggested.
Sherri - I'm glad to see the new mommy posted. I can't wait for baby to meet the new additions to her family. I hope you are doing well!
Aundrea - How are things at church - anything new going on in Sunday School? thanks so much for keeping up with us..
christy c. - Yes, we will be able to put on appropriate sized clothing and feed them with a baby spoon. actually , I took baby spoons with me today and used them today when the caretakers left the room. I don't think they would mind though, they just have to use what they have for feeding the children.
Stacey - Please tell Owen that we thank him for the prayers. That is so sweet of him. I know he has a good mommy and daddy that have taught him well.
did chad mention that we saw him at the airport when we flew out on Wed.???
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