Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Great Wall,,,,,been there done that, got a t-shirt

Today was our day to visit the great wall.
It was overcast which kept it cooler for us but this was a different section of the wall than we did in 2011.
Much much steeper.
                                                               Actually the picture above is of the other side,,
not as steep and the side we should have taken this time :)
                  There were parts I was even afraid for the kids to be on but we all made it safe. After the wall we went to the Jade factory had a nice lunch and went to an acrobat show but we were talking to a few of the other couples that are also adopting and we all agreed, "lets get this moving and go see our kids" After all that is the reason we are here. The wait has been long enough.
  But we will have Luke the rest of our lives and I suppose there is a good chance this is the last time we will see the great wall in person. So we try to keep our mind in the present and enjoy the wonders of this incredible country...

I wish I could have gotten a few pictures of the wonderful Chinese people that came up to Hannah. Amazingly enough they love it when they see kids that they know were adopted. They couldn't speak English but it was sweet to see them hug her and tell her how special she was in their reassuring voices. I couldn't understand their language but you pick up on a lot when you watch them point at you and smile then roughly say "where mommy."
 Anyway, this is our last night in Beijing. Up early and catch a plane to get Luke......
                                 That's what we've all been waiting for ,,,Right???

                                      The journey is almost over,,,2 days and counting :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... That is steep!!! No wonder you all are worn out!!!! Now get some rest so you can get that boy and show us all the pictures we are waiting for. I'm getting tears just thinking about that first video of Hannah! And that's awesome about the sweet people living on her! Prayers for a continued safe journey! Love you guys! Aunt Crystal

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love this so much! sam and holly you guys REALLY did get the tshirt! so exciting to think that when we wake up tomorrow you guys may be holding your baby. love you all - the johnsons

8:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. Hope you get this, I tried once and I don't think it went thru. glad everyone is having fun touring and elizabeth is feeling better. Can't wait until monday to see pictures of whole family with Luke. Prissy is fine she layes in workshop with Dad. Scooter hasn"t warmed up to her yet. but she is old! LOVE YOU - MISS YOU praying for you and july 11th to come quickly. M & D

9:47 AM  
Blogger Waiting for Emily said...

I love that Hannah is on the Great Wall with you all this time! Maybe yall can all go back when they are adults for Luke to see it :). praying for yall! Can't wait to see y'all with Luke in your arms!

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess Anonymous is the only way to go...was easier last time. Good to see those smiling faces. Know that the kids are getting lots of educational experiences but you are still missed. Is it cool or just rainy part of the time. Tell Elizabeth that Aunt K.K. and I went and made baskets today. Can't wait to show her mine, it was fun. I was impressed with the ingenuity of those people using dishes or silver wear to wash. Right up my alley. SMILE Looking on the bright side. Love you bunches. Nanny

1:26 PM  

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