Sunday, June 28, 2015

I feel like Chicken tonight :)

Hey guys, we are having major fits with internet here which is bad because we are a little over 12 hours from getting Luke and all this other stuff has just been practice and filler. We
 know you are just tuning in waiting for the main show.
We Arrived safely again and are settling into our new quarters for the next week.
We made a run to the local Walmart and so I thought you might like to see a few of the differences in here and there.

You probably saw the fish in the first Photo, that I get but these big frogs, what do you do with them?

This is apparently the next stop for any fish that die in the aquariums.
Put it on Ice and still call it fresh

There's a KFC down the street but who needs it when you have the local foul available.

The ramp takes you off the street and up to the Walmart.

Checking out. We waited in line forever and then found out we didn't have the bananas weighed up before coming up front so I said skip them. Holly insisted she wasn't leaving without bananas. Any guesses as to what we did next?  
 Exactly   :)
We are Meeting a lot of nice people that are here for the same purpose as us. Its pretty cool the connections you make and we still keep in touch with some of the couples we journeyed with back in 2011.
We even met 2 other couples from Ky.
Also, have met a few people that are adopting older kids. One 6 and the other 9. I can't wait to watch those kids with their new families. Super cool stuff since they are old enough to understand what is going on.
Anyway, Be patient with us. hope to get all the bugs worked out here in the next day or so.
We are excited but tired.
Remember if it's 12 there it's 12 here just the opposite side of the clock.
Or maybe it's 13 hours difference, either way we are trying to adjust.
we are all still waking around 4 and then having trouble getting through the day.
Well, enough practice for tonight. Tomorrow we try the real thing.
Love yall and thanks for keeping us in your prayers


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how many times I've clicked refresh this morning waiting to see an update! I was certain it was probably internet issues, but I still wanted to know you all made it safely!!! Glad to see all is well! And I can't blame Holly for insisting on the bananas after all the other photos of the food I've seen! Yuck!!!! Absolutely cannot wait for the next post!!! ;) I'm sure there will be tears as you all take little Luke into your arms for the first time! I can't even type this without crying!!! Love you guys!!! So thankful for your hearts and this sweet baby that will become part of our family because of your love!!! Aunt Crystal

6:29 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The difference in our cultures is HUGE! It is interesting to see (and not have to smell) but I'm thankful for my little world right here. I too would be and am excited for the families adopting the older kids. Will they speak any English? I would love to see their faces and reactions, but mostly I'm glad the blog is working and am anxiously awaiting the precious bundle you are there for! Come on Luke!'!! Love you all

6:36 AM  
Blogger Sam and Holly said...

Thanks aunt Crystal and aunt Sara. I will try to post a link on facebook anytime I update the blog so you don't have to keep refreshing and wondering. I'm the last one up and won't be for long.... Big day tomorrow :)

6:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Guess my last post didn't send! Love your pictures, those chickens hanging there look like the rubber chickens you can buy as dog toys. Maybe prissy would enjoy a new toy :)
Glad you all are safe and having fun adventures. You and holly enjoy your last night as mom & dad to three-- tomorrow it will be four! Can't wait for your update, kiss the kiddos for cousin whit. Love you all!

6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, as usual, I probably got off the computer right as you posted. That's ok I keep checking. Can't wait to get each posting. I'm with Holly, bananas sound wonderful (How can they alter them) and safe. :O) Saw the pic of the lady in the Ky. T shirt. Figure you stop and talk with anyone like that you see? It would be like seeing an old friend seems like.
Loved the story of the people hugging Hannah. Can they tell the diff between her and A and E or is it because she is little I wonder. Joel told me they don't know the difference between the countries until they hear them talk.
Keep sending the posts and stay safe. Love you heaps. Nanny

7:29 AM  
Blogger Sam and Holly said...

No nanny, they seem to be able to tell the difference. There are a few that try to talk to Andrew and Elizabeth but mostly they seem to be able to tell they arent' from the same place.
Honestly it may just be me but they don't look the same to me either,,,Love you

PS, you freaked Holly out last night whit :) LOL just kidding
Guessing it would have hit her anyway but you definitely got her thinking

3:56 PM  
Anonymous michelle vernon said...

I'm not certain, but I think the 6 year old from KY was one of my HOST KIDS from last summer! (New family last name Decker, but my friend Tara was his host home in Ga)

6:16 AM  

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