Monday, August 29, 2005

Afraid we wouldn't post today???

Guess who's feeling better??
Thank you all for praying for our family. We see them answered every day and try to post so you can see it too.
Elizabeth liked her new hat, and I thought you all would enjoy seeing the new bath system we're working on. Andrew Liked it after some initial "shock" but Elizabeth never did warm up to the idea. She is very timid and just about anything can scare her. And she can be the happiest little girl you ever saw, all smiles and giggles. hear her brother crying and join right in. She Loves her brother very much and loves to watch him play. And play he does. Now that he is off of milk he is like a rocket. sometimes we have trouble keeping up with him. He still gives "refunds" on occassion but smiles and goes on about his business.

Elizabeth was about six to one in the stinky diaper department so today for lunch Andrew got some prunes (loved em'). Before he was done eating he was ready to launch. (told you he was like a rocket)
He is Now almost tied up and doesn't show signs of stopping. In the picture you can see he went and found a diaper for us. I think he new he was the stinky one!

Both kids seem to be doing better but that doesn't mean they don't have their moments.

After supper we took our first walk around the city. there are a few parks nearby and it seemed like a nice evening for a walk. The kids never made a sound. I think they were in awe of all the people, cars, sounds.

For those of you interested, we have updated measurements on the kids. Elizabeth weighs 16.53 pounds and is 26.3 inches long.
Andrew weighs 18.07 pounds and is 27.5 inches long

We are doing our best but we know our responses are slow. Hang with us and we will try to do better. It is still a comfort to know you are there for us.
Love the Dunnings


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sam and Holly, more excelent pictures...but why is Holly sympathy to Elizabeth? Your Aunt Jane had asked if you had 2 of the carriers..I told her I was pretty sure I had seen 2. She said they would really come in handy on the way home. I'm glad Andrew is taking to his bath better,Elizabeth, it seems, will take a little longer,
I can't believe I am the first one to comment, we'll see when I get off, because I had to take the kids to school, went to Walmart, postoffice and paid water bill. Try to combine all the trips I can with gas 2.50 per gal. and rising.
Good as always to hear from you all. Love Mom

8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to blame PENNY WILSON if the pictures stopped ;) Yesterday at church she said to make them stop, she had to stop crying. And then I knew it was all her fault.

Thanks for not listening to her and keeping us going over here, stateside.

Hope you are enjoying through your tears, Penny.
I know I am!!!

Lots of Love
Aunt Sara

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great aunt lela, I am so glad you are following us along on our journey, It is a once in a lifetime thing and we are enjoying every minute of it.
Tommy and Gail- We know we have been lax about communicating but we are so busy, I will send you some special (for grandparents only) pictures on e-mail very soon. If you haven't thought of what you want to be called you might consider Appah (grandmother) and Attah (Grandfather) in Kazak.
Jp /Julie Allie/ Ashley- we figured you guys were out there lurking. Glad you checked in.
Elva, glad you've taken such interest in our adventure. we'll try to keep it interesting.
San DK. Same goes for you

Kent and Christy- Hugs have been given now hug yourselves for us. we really appreciated the call. And Christy, One baby is asleep.
Kristin - Holly can't seem to find time to get on here (I wonder why) but keep posting, she loves hearing from you.
JoBeth - You seem to be our latest greatest fan. Glad you're following so closely.
Andrea - thanks for all the help over the last few days. You took a load off of Hollys' mind.
Mary Beth - glad You are back online. I tried to make yesterdays post light and fun since I have been depressing so many people.
mechelle (from work) - Glad you're keeping everyone informed at the plant. I can't say I'll be glad to be back there though.
michelle (my cousin) I can't figure out this IM thing but I'm glad you're following along. We would be glad for a visit when we get back.
aunt Jane - we know you follow us everyday and I wish I could figure out how to IM but my usual internet progam doesn't work here.
I think I am using msn messanger

Mom I was just about to talk to you and dad but Sara just IM me. gonna go talk to her..Love you

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she is beutiful with her new hat and even newer smile. The city really looks quite pretty. Its good you got to get out for some reason going outside always made my boys happy. I'm glad andrew is doing better, they can't not ever refund that is just part of being a baby. You all look so happy, we can't wait to meet andrew and Elizabeth. love Elva

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Beth - Sam and I know what you are talking about. In International Adoption they call it "Gotcha Day" and if all goes well in court our "Gotcha Day" will be Sept 5 (unless they move court back to the 6). I'm going to try to find a few things from Kaz. to give them as they get older on their special day and I'm going to buy a Kaz cookbook and (maybe) prepare something out of it on that special day - we'll just have to see what we can find that is tasty. A's b-day is Dec. 15,04 and E's is 01-08-05.

Judy - When Sam took the crying picture we were in the process of fixing lunch and apparently we weren't fast enough b/c they were both crying, but as soon as Sam got the camera out A stopped crying (he loves the camera), so Sam told me to get in the picture and cry for him.
Yes, we do have two snuggli's which we will use for the trip home. We also bought a fold-up stroller that we are going to carry-on as well. It will come in handy on our layovers.
I'm not sure if Sam posted an answer to the gas price question (I think Poppy may have asked it), but it is about .63 tenge (kaz $) a liter. We didn't realize it was by liter and were shocked the 1st day we were here. We ask our driver about teh low gas prices, and he said it is sold by liter, not galloon, so maybe $1.80 - $2.20 USD a galloon here - not good on the conversions or exchange rate (the exchange rate is $1 USD to about 136 tenge.) Holly

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the pictures!!! If your days are busy and the diapers are smelly then you are pretty much normal. As far as Andrew refunding, I'm sure that will slow down. I can't wait for you to get home and have baby toys, walkers,diapers and wipes and everything else baby related laying around the house. You will feel as if Walmart and Toy R Us has thrown up all over your house. Jeff and I feel like our house looks like a preschool most of the time. We try to enjoy it though and just realize that this is only for a season and that we will miss the mess one of these days. I wish there was a competition going on for The World's Biggest Smile. The four of you would definately tie for first place! You all look so happy and I am so relieved that Elizabeth is feeling better. I will continue to pray for the Sept. 5 court date. Is there anything else we can be praying about? Joy Beth

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just sent you Doug's wedding pictures I took in an email. Hope you get to see them. I sure am enjoying the pictures you are taking and I see the tags! Made my day. You are doing such a wonderful job! Can't wait until the next post. Love you all, Aunt Jane

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judy says you might try wrapping Elizabeth in a small blanket or towel , then uncover parts of her body at a time. This will make her feel more secure when you bathe her , this worked on about 7 of 10 babys that she has tended, you probably know the 3 it did not work on. you all 4 are looking good, C Moore

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam and Holly: Elizabeth gets prize for best pose. I like that big smile. I believe that Andrew is going to be an interesting boy. You may have to put a leash and collar on him. He sounds awfully cute. Elizabeth sounds cuddly like a little girl should. Its raining here. We are getting the effects of storm Katrina. I guess you all are too far away to be affected. Thanks for the good pictures and good poppy

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam & Holly,
I haven't had much time to get on the website and see the new additions, but I had a little extra time today! I know God has truly blessed you guys with these awesome children! We are praying for you guys daily and will especially be praying for you on Sept. 5th! Keep the pictures coming! They are sooooo adorable!

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dunnings! That is the cutest pic. of Elizabeth. I like her new hat, too! They are SO cute. I can't wait to get my hands on them for a hug. Blake's 2nd adoption day is coming up-December 3rd. It's a day we were so glad to see pass, but one that we can never forget.
I take it that Elizabeth is feeling better, then? That's great. Prunes were definitely a good choice for Andrew, and applejuice as well (you may not have any there, though).

Talk to you soon!

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
So glad to hear things are going well. I can't imagine pictures any cuter. How are the babies sleeping at night? I know you have so much work to do but try to take some rests while they nap. It helps. September 5 is in our prayers. What kinds of foods are the babies eating now that they are with you? Are you getting used to the food or have you found better food? I know I am asking lots of questions and I do not know if you will get to answer them.
Anyway, we love you and we are still praying. Samantha says Hello. When her friends get home she will have a big slobbery kiss waiting for them both!
Love- Andrea and family

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello to all four of you!!!! You make the most precious family.. I am so glad they are with you guys.. By the way you have the entire pharmacy at WBH cheering you on.. They have me go to the website all the time.. Take care.. Cindy Hahn

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam and Holly,
I'm so thrilled to be able to read all about your wonderful journey! Elizabeth and Andrew are both gorgeous and look so healthy and happy to be with you. Keep the posts coming!
We are home from Guatemala with Bryan now and he is adjusting remarkably well. He started pre-K already and seems to be as happy as we are to have him home finally.
Teri Allen

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning to you! I think it is about 8 a.m. for you and I was wondering what time your little ones awake in the morning? Do your days start early? What time do they go to sleep at night? When I posted at bedtime for you last night you mentioned one of them was still awake....who is your night owl? I am getting ready to go to bed..this working full-time mom thing is wearing me out! Peyton is loving Kindergarten and Mason is loving Pre-school. It goes so fast...cherish every moment!! I have to keep reminding myself of that. I get to caught up in laundry, cleaning, etc. Keep on snugglin and we will keep on praying. Love you all:) Oh, by the way, love the pictures. Elizabeth looks adorable in the hat. Would love to see the look on their faces when you took them out. Just wait til they meet Baby. I think Andrew will give Baby a run for her money!!

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam & Holly,
Your babies just get more adorable daily! We enjoy reading the posts daily and especially the pictures. Know that you have a huge prayer base for you in ILlinois! We love you guys and are anxiously awaiting your arrival back home!
Ronnie & Tish

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was our "baby" girl crying??
She used to cry when Derek got a whipping, but we didn't see anyone getting a whipp'n only E.G.D. crying. We tried to call at 10:30 our time and you'all must have been on the internet because your line was busy. Will let you know when we will try to call again...
Everyone looked great today, especially on the outing to the city. Love to E.A.H.S. Mom and Dad

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam & Holly, I hadn't had a chance to check for updates until tonight & enjoyed reading & seeing new pictures. Those babies are beautiful. You both look so relaxed & content with them. I know the family will be glad when the 4 of you get home. Those babies will have so many slobbers on them they won't know what to do. We will continue to remember you in our prayers & pray especially for the 5th. God is Great.

Lori W.

9:24 PM  
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10:29 PM  

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