First full day together
Just got a call from more of our family, at least it felt that way. Thanks Kent and Christy for checking in on us. We will try to find a little sister here for Peyton.
We did read the comments for the day but may not get to respond (our schedule is not our own) Please keep them coming and we will try to respond when we can. Please know we definitely are reading them and loving it.
We are very busy today, Elizabeth is still not feeling well so I have to post quick. But here are a few shot to carry you through.
I caught a shot or 2 of Holly and the kids playing on the bed before bedtime.
Andrew loves looking at himself, he thinks he is so handsome. (We think so too) It's a good thing he can't see the back of his head. Looks like a whirlpool hit him!
We fed Bolat some yogurt at the insistance of or coordinator. Never mind that it has milk in it!!!!!!!!!!Refunded!! (here he was just eating it though, Daddy just has trouble hitting the mouth.
There was a walker in the room and we thought they might like it. "They loved it! Andrew goes all over the place in it. Today I went to the market and got a second one. Here you see a jealous brother checking out the new ride.
Andrew is so curious. he watches everything, especially himself.
Here's the Mommy using the clothes dryer.
Elizabeth decided to share part of her new ride with brother.
Two little monkeys, Jumping on the bed.
I told you I had trouble hitting the mouths.
Holly is doing great with the kids, you would think she had done it all her life. Both Andrew and Elizabeth are having trouble today getting comfortable with their new routine. Pray for all of us as we all try to get a little sleep. Would love to post more but "babies crying"
We did read the comments for the day but may not get to respond (our schedule is not our own) Please keep them coming and we will try to respond when we can. Please know we definitely are reading them and loving it.
We are very busy today, Elizabeth is still not feeling well so I have to post quick. But here are a few shot to carry you through.
I caught a shot or 2 of Holly and the kids playing on the bed before bedtime.
Andrew loves looking at himself, he thinks he is so handsome. (We think so too) It's a good thing he can't see the back of his head. Looks like a whirlpool hit him!
We fed Bolat some yogurt at the insistance of or coordinator. Never mind that it has milk in it!!!!!!!!!!Refunded!! (here he was just eating it though, Daddy just has trouble hitting the mouth.
There was a walker in the room and we thought they might like it. "They loved it! Andrew goes all over the place in it. Today I went to the market and got a second one. Here you see a jealous brother checking out the new ride.
Andrew is so curious. he watches everything, especially himself.
Here's the Mommy using the clothes dryer.
Elizabeth decided to share part of her new ride with brother.
Two little monkeys, Jumping on the bed.
I told you I had trouble hitting the mouths.
Holly is doing great with the kids, you would think she had done it all her life. Both Andrew and Elizabeth are having trouble today getting comfortable with their new routine. Pray for all of us as we all try to get a little sleep. Would love to post more but "babies crying"
Welcome to Parenthood!!!!!
You are doing GREAT!!!
One plus about having to stay in Kazak...all this uninterrupted baby time.
Just wait till you get home. Sam goes back to work...and the visitors start coming. That may be the only plus and I am still praying for the first return date. PLEASE no extensions!!
Love you
I love looking at Andrew too!
Aunt Sara
You're right sis, it is nice and I'm sure we will miss it. I tried to IM Whitney just now because it says she is online but I didn't figure that was right.
With you around the blog is almost an IM:O)
We just gave bottles and they are back down. How long, Nobody knows!!!
Thats not fair, Sara blogged while at church, the rest of us had to wait until we got home...Oh ,well we wont dwell on that. So glad to see the kids up and having fun..don't blame Andrew for liking to look at him self. Hope Elizabeth is getting better. Things like that go with the territory but it does scare a new parent...even old timers grow faint of heart. Will get off so poppy can see todays adventure. Love Mom
Hey you guys! It is great to come home from church to a fun update. Looks like you are doing a great job with these babies. Yes, Andrew is handsome and Elizabeth is beautiful. Such a great looking family!!! I will keep watching for updates. Thanks for your work.
Love, Aunt Jane
SAM AND HOLLY; Its always a thrill to see the pictures and read of the new days adventures.That Bolat is handsome and that Alia is so pretty. Wow you all seem to be old hands at raising babies. The baby on the bed looking up at Holly ssems to be in love with his mommy. They both look like happy babies. Maybe you should just bathe them once a week.. Just kidding. Keep up the good poppy
Sam and Holly, your Great Aunt Lela (your grand mothers twin) said she thinks it is terrific what you two are doing and she loves it when I send her the blog. The babies are beautiful and you both look so happy.
She doesn't compute but wanted you to know.
Of course Holly does great with babies she helped raise her little brother and loved every minute.You both will make great parents because God made you both loving and caring.Can't wait until you get home. Love to you Andrew & Elizbeth. G.Mom & G. Dad
I too am guilty of blogging at church, sara let me I couldn't wait till I got home. You look so happy, not tired at all. The kids look like they are very adventourous. You both will be great parents. You've already been great aunt and uncle. The best according to Emily, Whitney and Eric. love you all Elva
I was on the computer early this morning and didn't see anything new. I thought, "Oh no, they have the kids to take care of.....they are not going to do much posting". Glad to see more pictures and news when I checked a second time. It looks like Sam is feeding 'sans shirt'. Smart move. Cuts down on laundry. [smile]. Also love that full length mirror. Good entertainment for Andrew.
Babies crying eh? Just remember, this too shall pass (probably not anytime soon though). Here is a little touch of home for you. It was really great to talk to "yall" this morning. Hope to do so again real soon. Christy is giving me some grief over our "Oprah moment" on the phone today. And yes, she cried after we got off of the phone. Enough of this touchy/feely, warm fuzzy kinda stuff for one day. Hug them for us.
Thanks for continuing to post. I know it isn't as easy as it was before, but we all really appreciate it. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about the 4 of you and praying. Keep smiling!
Sam and Holly I was so excited to see the new pictures. I hope you don't stress to much over the babies schedule. I read so many books and in the end I just had to do what worked best for our family. You will find out what works best for you and then right when you have it down pat the babies will probably throw you a curve and decide they want a different schedule. In the end as long as they are fed, given a bath,sleep, and receive lots of love everything will be just fine. I hope that you are both getting plenty of rest. I hope the food situation for you is still going good. I am continuing to pray for your court date. I hope you have a great day and that Elizabeth is feeling better. Joy Beth
I know you havn't posted today 8/29/05,but just wanted you to know that we are praying for you all, your health, energy and outlook. you guys are doing great. we love you guys and are lifting you up. Elva
Hey Guys! It was so good talking with you yesterday. I really did give Kent a hard time after our conversations (he he). Afterall, Holly they did tease us while we watched the movie "Love Comes Softly." I knew they had it in them. Anyway, I hope you have had a good day today...I guess the little ones are asleep by now. Just know that you are not alone...we are all praying for you! Just take it one day at a time. Praise the Lord that His mercies are new every morning. Lots of love your way....Looking forward to talking again real soon:)
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