Constitution day
Andrew and Elizabeth took there first ride on a vaccum cleaner today. (he like, she didn't
She still loves her stroller though, maybe that's because we didn't buy one of those cheap imports for her. This one is made locally only a few hours away from here. It's a place called China. Maybe you've heard of it.....
Holly chased the kids with the vacuum cleaner. She does this at home with baby. Again, Andrew liked it, Elizabeth didn't.
Don't know if you can see it or not but this might give you a view of the mountains surrounding us.
Today was some holiday here, Constitution day I think. We walked for hours with the kids and they did great. Even fell asleep some with all the noise. They should be practiced up for a chainsaw carving event!!!
I took a stroll to the store today while the kids took a nap. brought all this stuff up five flights of stairs in the stroller. (not an easy task)
While at he store I bagged my own groceries and their cheap bags fell through as I picked them up from the register counter. Here came the guards and everyone was stareing at the babyfood and glass all over the floor. All the people behind me were griping.( I couldn't understand them but some tones are rather universal. I Couldn't even apologize because again, "I speak no English"!!!! man do I miss home.
The kids are down, For now! and we are going to try and get some sleep cause we are wiped. We expect them to be back up in about 2 hours.
One more note, tonight, Andrew cried almost as hard (because he had to get out of the bath/sink. As Elizabeth did having to get in. She is a little scared of everthing!! But we love her
Don't you just love the differences between girls and boys or maybe just the differences in all children.
Em, Whit and Eric are all very different!!! (As you know) but their uniqueness is what makes them special. I wouldn't change them (at least not much) :)
Glad Andrew enjoyed his bath! and everyone is feeling better.
Mucho Gracious for the pictures, they do make the wait bareable!
Sorry I no speak Kazak,
I am sure Elizabeth will come around concerning her baths...and everything else that scares her. She will have to toughen up with that brother of hers:) Sorry about the grocery store dilema...probably best you don't understand the language. You all should be in shape for your stairs at home after dealing with 5 flights. Hope your 2 hour nap is good. Love you all...sleep well!
I found a website today
They have lots of recipes on making your own baby foods. Are you able to find fresh fruits and veggies? This might work better and be cheaper for feeding two. Plus it would be fresh and you can make them something without rabbit in it! Of course they may love the rabbit. If so you better buy a bunch before you come home because you won't find that a Wal-mart! :)
Glad to hear they take two hour naps. When they get home maybe they can show Samantha how to do that.
Love you guys-
When we were first married we lived in a SECOND story apartment....after a few months we moved. Groceries up, laundry down and up. I can't even think about FIVE flights. They are going to make you work for these kiddos!! I was thinking last night that you are going to have a lot of work having two little ones at once but I guess by the time you get back to your house (with all the conveniences) you will think it's just a breeze.
Take those 'power naps' move.
Sam and Holly, yes you can see the mountains they are very pretty,but the pictures of the kids are the prettiest.Yall look and sound busy, cant even imagine all the things that you guys are having to do.(but sure can tell that yall are enjoying it)Looks like Andrew is going to be very independent,thats great he can look out for little sister.
take care!Still praying for a sooner return date!!Take care Mechele
Sam and Holly, Just got home from the hospital, didn't even bring my "stuff" in, just came straight to the computer.
Ruth Ann C. said tell you a Month ago she could hardly get on the computer, now she is on twice a day...Joe Pat put the blog on favorites so she can get there quick.
She sent you one of her big smiles (weather she knew it or not).
Son, your sister backed into a row of pickles one time, made a big mess, I could tell what they were saying to me but because I could, they didn't say what they thought. Embarressing to say the least. You may have to tuffen up too, as it may happen again sometime.
Enjoy the moment...Love Mom
I hope you do both get some rest. Kids are different. Elizabeth will come around, one of the boys I keep likes the vacum the other doesn't. same with my dogs. It is so neat watching you guys fall into a routine there. Still praying for your quick return, and that everyone stays well. spilled baby food is just the begining, don't even sweat it. love Elva
Tony says He is very addicted. He got on first to day. I was busy all day It has been raining here all day a lot and we got some water in our basement,so I've been trying to clean all that up. tony says he has heard of china and since you are so close can you pick him up a few things j.k. keep up the fun and the pictures. love to you all tony and elva
Your apartment looks really nice. We have seen different rooms in different pictures. Am I being fooled, or is it nice?? Much better looking on the inside than the out! Thanks for sharing.
Sam and Holly I have been in Nashville today but as soon as I got home and gave my girls a kiss I couldn't wait to log on and see what was new with you all. It looks like the weather there is beautiful. I wish we could say the same. The kids look so happy. I was wandering if you would mind to continue to post pictures and updates even when you come home. I am already worried about having blogger withdrawals. I am truly enjoying keeping up with how things are going with you all. Joy Beth
sAM AND hOLLY; I find myself saying the same things. The pictures are great etc. But it is true. You all either do a great job or you have such great subjects that you can't miss. That Elizabeth is sure wearing some pretty smiles. Andrew looks like he is always thinking. Maybe plotting. You all are looking good. Hope you are getting enough rest. I know we all are anxious for you to get home.. love poppy
sAM AND hOLLY; I find myself saying the same things. The pictures are great etc. But it is true. You all either do a great job or you have such great subjects that you can't miss. That Elizabeth is sure wearing some pretty smiles. Andrew looks like he is always thinking. Maybe plotting. You all are looking good. Hope you are getting enough rest. I know we all are anxious for you to get home.. love poppy
Hey guys, I didn't beat anybody up today (although one guy at Walmart did invite a good clobberin'). I met Peyton at school and had lunch with him for the first time. That's right sports fans, 17 years have passed since my last school cafe meal. As far as we have come with technology in those 17 years (Palm Pilots, GPS, Laptops, etc), I was kinda hoping ..... Anyway, despite the food, it was a day I will remember forever. And as good as it is for you right now, you guys have lots of those "first timers" ahead of you. Soak them all up as though they were more precious than gold. They are.
Hey guys...just got in from the girls v-ball game, yes they kicked calloway's tail! The pictures are awesome, keep them coming. Sara said she would like a picture of the kids bare feet?? Not sure why but that is what she said! Still praying for you.
P.S. Lord of the Rings game is Awesome!! Sam, we will have to play when you get back.
You can't put a hundred baby food jars in a sack, "made in China".
Tried to call you'all at 9:35 pm
our time. Wild noise on phone line. You may have been on the computer. Baby and Scooter follow me every where now, wanting/mooching their "High Protien Fish Food" hand-outs. They had a great time playing today with the cooler temps. Our rain guage showed 4.7" rain, for Mon. and Tues. Mom did "Food Route" in heavy rain today. Everyone on route is asking about you'all and they want Holly to bring the babies with her on the route so they can see them.
Everyone looks Great. Love Dad (Mom's busy doing invitations for Wes and Angie's baby shower) ...
It's me again. I am so busted! I told Christy that I would call her as soon as I got back from Nashville. Well, she called me and said "I thought you were going to call me when you got home." I told her that I was just about to call her that's when I got busted. She told me "I noticed you blogged before calling me." She has threatened to cut my phone lines, so if you don't hear from me you will know who to blame.
Well, Joy Beth, does Christy get the Blog Hog award this week...Big bro. is watching....
Kent, what did that guy at Walmart do, spill a bunch of Baby food or something..
Sam, where is my big smile from Elizabeth this a.m.
We have that other wide mouthed one as our screen saver and that big it's almost life sized. cute you just have to grin back.
Hello you guys!!! It is so good to see that you are reading some of what I'm writing.. It is so good to see the pictures.. I really do miss you guys though and Emme is so ready to see these babies. Take care Cindy Hahn
There are three main differences in these three oven types and these are size, application in kitchen design and internal capacity. What strikes me as ironic is the amount of time I have spent in my life at High School and College graduations, funerals, hospital beds, soccer games, family reunions, birthday parties, and heard some variation of the following statement -wow, it's amazing to me how fast the time goes-. Many would recommend chimneas over fire pits and elevated fire pits for safety and comfort reasons. Among several advantages, less consumption of electric energy is among the foremost benefits of the machine.
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