Saturday, September 03, 2005

36 hours until court. (Time for Speeches)

You can see the kids are getting along great:O)

Our coordinator came to go over court proceedings today. It is much more involved than we had imagined. More questions than expected and definitely a longer speech. It took almost 2 whole pages of abreviated points we needed to hit upon. We thought a 1 or 2 minute speech would suffice. But instead it will probably be at least 10 minutes each (yes Holly has to give one too.) Thats over 40 minutes together by the time it is translated!

After going over all the speech stuff we took the kids to take pictures for their passports and exit visas. We aren't really worried about being turned down for getting the kids but immediate execution is our main focus now. I am so ready to leave this place. We have adapted to the living conditions fine, it's the culture I don't like. I'm sure it's not like this all over the country but the people in this city are probably the rudest people (as a whole) that I have ever been around. I am so ready to get home!!! (Yes, another Ramstore experience)

These are at the passport place.

Tomorrow will be a very busy day. I have to go with our driver to get food and refreshments for our after court tea party (yes, tea party) "I thought it would be a few years before I did that with Elizabeth". He said we have to go early because the fried horse meat "runs" out very quickly. (no pun intended) I can't wait for the tea party. Nothing like sitting down to luke warm tea and horse meat. (They told me not to refrigerate the drinks). Perhaps they will have a sampler platter, I mean how am I supposed to know if i like Tenessee Walker or Quarter horse better? Hey Christy, who's tempting who with food now???!!!

After we get the Food (if you can call it that) We have another meeting around noon (after picking out horse meat, I can't say around lunch) with our coordinator and translator. (it will be her first time translating in court, maybe the judge will have mercy on us.) We are supposed to have our speeches prepared by then.

We will be very very busy the next several days so please understand if we miss a post.

Court is still on go for Monday morning at 10:00. remember to pray for us. That is Sunday night for you.

Love to you all, we miss you more every day. ( Thanks kent and Christy for the phone call. )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just be yourselves at the court date and you'all will do great. Try not to let this get to be a memorized "thing". I have no doubt that you'all could go in there with no notes at all and win the Judges heart over. Sent you a great e-mail on your other site.
It will make your day....Got to go, two wet dogs outside waiting for me......Love Dad

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay Kids, all 4 of you,
Guess who has been dogging the blog this am.
Sam about the rude people, someone else commented on that after going to Disney world one time. Said they didn't like it, it was full of rude foreigners.

Holly, about the cook book you plan on buying...where do you think you can get horse meat?

I talked to Christy after they talked to you. She told me about the "tea party" you are "hosting".
Sounds like fun, I like hot or even warm tea, but no thanks I'm not hungry right now....

Tell Andrew he is suppose to take care of his sister, not torment her...
Oh, well,, they are already acting the parts of bro and sis. Natural.

Good to hear from you, now I have to go back and reread the post. Later, love Mom

8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom, bet you thought you were first this morning? Looks like Tommy beat you to it. I've been telling Holly she needs to at least try the horse meat as a story to tell the kids but I don't think she's gonna "bite".
Tell Sara a call tomorrow morning would be great. probably around 10 pm your time would be good but if they need to call earlier it will be fine. I just know the kids nap around then and it might be easier to talk. But we definitely want to hear from them so any time is fine.
Tell poppy he needs string 2 of those 39 s together, break that 80 barrier. I think this is his year...
love you

going to get off and work on my speech......

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will call 10 p.m....Can't wait!

Ask Whitney about the paper she did for school...she picked the subject-adoption. This is a very specific adoption story about her two special cousins.

Surely the Kashi you guys are talking about is not what we have here? Kashi is the only cereal I would/could eat when I was pregnant with Emily and Whitney. (very little sugar) I even had a bowl this morning. It is much better with strawberries or cantalope. But probably not the best cereal. I may eat the cereal, but think I will pass on the horse.

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys and gals, what are the chances of us getting an invite to a horse and tea party once you get home (only wish I could see the rolling of Holly's eyes right now)? So what is it we're talking anyway, horse sandwichs, horse chops, horse jerky, or maybe some horse kabobs? We thought you guys had lots of stories before you went. Enough of that, don't sweat the whole schedule thing. Once you get home, that will all change anyway. I'm working on my doctoral dissertation on the effects of scheduling in the lives of little ones who have had to eat Kashi from very large bowls with very large spoons. I'll make sure and autograph you guys a copy. Silly stuff aside, parents and children alike will do better with a structured environment (as structured as little ones will allow). Everybody will have more of a sense of what's going on. Gotta go for now, my two defenders of the universe are in a fierce laser battle with some serious bad guys (I'm kinda surprised that you can't hear them at your apartment).

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Structure? Shall I say... shift work...I guess it is structure in one sense of the word. Anyway, forgot to ask you how everyone has liked their gifts so far? Hope you are catching up on some rest now. Still enjoying the postings! Remember who is in charge! Still praying for a quick return! Lots of love...Christy

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet Holly isn't laughing about my hog jawl and leaf lettuce salad now, are you Holly???? (remember that infamous meal?). I will certainly be praying for you tomorrow, but I can't think of 2 more capable people to give a wonderful heartfelt speech to the judge. You will do wonderful and you'll have those 2 little munchkins home in no time. And just so I'm straight on the time, court will be (our time) tomorrow night around 10:00. Somebody correct me if i'm wrong.
Love you guys!
Anthony, Karen, & Blake

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you all. I know how much it will mean to hear the words mom and dad forever... I will be praying for you both. I'm sure you will have no problem with the speeches, just say what is in your hearts.. Take care... Cindy Hahn

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that we will be praying for you. if they don't like you 2 there is something wrong with them.
amy armstrong

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam & Holly, just checking updates & looking at those babies....again.
I find myself checking a couple times a day for updates or just going through & looking at all the pictures. We will be praying for you especially hard on Sunday Evening that everything goes well & you guys will soon be home with those babies.

Lori W. (Sharpe Baptist)

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew and I will be praying tomorrow night and into Monday. I assume that is 12:00am Lexington time??? I guess God doesn't care about time zones and daylight savings time! Good luck with your speeches. If you cry for about 3 minutes can you get away with just talking for 7 minutes?!?!

Andrew and Kristin

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful gift! TWO BABIES- what a blessing! And to boot- what a blessing that you have given to us by allowing us to join you in your journey and share play by play action. Praise be to God for the many great and wonderful things that He gives!!! Squeeze both of those babies, read them many books, and shower them with floods of kisses!

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Nandan Dunbar said...

a note from ashley to sam and holly your babies look cute and sweet. i love your boy and girl. i like the picture in the red bathtub it is cute. i love you guys too.

6:37 AM  

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