Friday, September 02, 2005

The babyhouse revisited (over halfway there!!)

We discovered we have Fox news todaY, "in english"!! We were so excited. We see how bad it is down south and it makes our journey seem minor. It is still a major event in our live obviously. But it makes us realize how good we have it here.
Today, our plans were changed once again. instead of our meeting about court, we went and signed a ton of papers about the childrens Visas and such. (the kids still hated the car ride!) Then Holly kept the kids in the apartment while our driver took me back to the babyhouse to deliver our gifts to the doctors, caregivers etc.
I saw a sign just before you get on the "Crazy" road to Esik (the babyhouse) it is written in 3 language and is an official sign just like you would see on I-24. I ould only read the english version and this is what it says, (No Kidding) "GOOD LUCK" ! I told you it was a crazy road. I would have taken a picture but wasn't willing to stand on the side of the road long enough to do it.

I talked to the babyhouse director (through an interpreter) for a while today. We need her on our side in court and she seems to be. She likes Holly and me as a couple and seems to be pleased we are getting the kids. She asked so many questions. One of which was "do you have any dreams for what you want the children to be?" How would you answer that question??? I told her NO, It honestly never occured to me. I then went on to explain that as I grew up, I never knew of any special dreams my parents had for me. They always seemed to let me choose my own dreams and then supported me while I tried each new path. They just wanted me to be happy (Happiness includes the Lord!!). I have no dreams for Andrew and Elizabeth beyond that. I don't think that is the standard answer she gets but the watering in her eyes told me it was acceptable. I have to say this is usually Hollys department but since she wasn't there, I cried. (I Love You Mom and Dad!!)

While I was there they dressed me in a white doctors coat and let me go take pictures of where the children lived.

This was where they ate,

this was Alias bed,

Bolats bed,

this was a big play bed to keep several kids in.

We found out when court was today, it will be Monday morning at 10:00 A.M. (11:00 P.M. Sunday night at home) . Yes, we will post resutls ASAP but we have no idea how long court will last. Please keep us in your prayers as court is now only 3 days away. We do not ask that you stay up and pray during the night because we know God doesn't need our time schedule but we do ask you to pray a special prayer on Sunday if you at all can.
Thank you all so much, We love you and can't wait to get home. (we should be over halfway there:O)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Job well done Sam!! I am so excited for you. The countdown is on! And, yes, we will be praying on Sunday and specifically at 11 pm. Only 12 more days....I am praying and believing!!!! His will be done though. We miss you so much and are so ready for you to be home. Still lovin the pics. Gonna try a call when Kent gets home in the morn before he goes to sleep!! Love you guys:)

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went back and looked at the pics again...those cheeks (can't wait to sugar them). Andrew looks so happy and Elizabeth as well:)

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SAM AND holly; ahh the pictures. They show two very happy children. That lizabeth really knows how to smile. Your report sounds good. How could they keep from liking you two. Just the same we will be praying. Just got in from playing. I shot 39 on the front, but stum,bled on the back. Twill be a happy day when you all get home... love poppy

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys... I can't beleive that the time is going so quickly.. Sam, it sounds like you did a good job with the babyhouse. I always knew you were charming!!! Good luck and you are in my prayers.. CIndy Hahn

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pictures just keep getting better and better!That Elizabeth,WOW what a happy baby!Andrew looks like he is just so content!What a beautiful smile he has (puff and all)Went to Nashville last night, gas 3.29.Some gas stations have no regular.(some lady told us that)
I ll be praying for yall tonight,might mention what going on with your family to a few co-workers.(haha) I wont be able to keep my mouth shut.Well our long break is over, so I guess i have to go back to work.
Oh i went to Wal mart guess what i saw a new line of grocerys called KASHI.I just kept on walking!!!
Praying lots for yall, Mechele

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am selfishly glad your plans got changed today. I was so excited to get on and see that you did get to post today, since you had said you didn't think you would be able to. It is so much fun to check in on you guys and see what is going on. About the court date, it just so happens that 11:00PM is my specialty! I tend to be a night owl, so you better believe I will be up praying!!! The pictures have been wonderful! I'm sure you are getting anxious. Try to get plenty of rest. My mom and dad came by last night and I was showing them the latest pictures. My mom just sat and cried! They are so happy for you. You are in ALL of our prayers!!!

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped at the library today after cleaning someone elses house (mine needs it too!!) Now here I am online just checking....

Have I said this before?? You two are going to make the most wonderful parents!!!! Just look at Andrew and Elizabeth's face...they are proof! They already know they have the best!

Loved your answer to the Big Question. All my dreams for my children have to do with character not stuff and achievements. And I know you will support them in all they do!

I am off to school to grade papers,
Lots of Love
Aunt Sara

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam, Thank you sweetheart, for your kind words. I've always told prople that you and Sara usually made good decisions and I had no trouble backing you in them. Actually, I can't think of a time when I couldn't back you but was reluctant to say always.
You probably never let me know of the bad decisions... smile

Those babies get prettier every day. Sure will be glad to get my hands on them.

The baby house looked impressive, kinda like a church nursery. Ofcourse a church nursery is for a short time, not a home.

Holly, Martha is leaving in a day or so to go help with the rescue efforts.
Seems there is a church Of 45 members, in Mississippi, that is taking in over 200 people and have no idea how to cook for that many. She knows how she is geting down there but has no idea how she will get back. I'm not worried, tho, when the time comes she'll have a way, I'm sure.

Keeping Monday in extra prayer....Love Nanny

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sad for the workers there. But they do seem to have their hands full and am sure are so happy you and holly are the parents that will be loving Alia and Bolat for the rest of their lives. We will continue to pray for you at this crucial time, God will bring you home soon. You guys I'm sure have impressed people and you will do fine in court. Heads up. Elva

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christy - do you mean you are going to try to call tonight? Sat. morning for you) - we'll look forward to your call.
Cindy - I agree with you - I always knew Sam was charming as well. (that's how we ended up together!!)
Mechele - Wow! I can't believe gas is that expensive in N'ville. Good thing we don't live in a big city. Just out of curiousity, I"ll have to check out the KASHI at wal-mart when we return.
Joy Beth - I'm a night owl as well and I'm paying for it now. it was always so hard for me to go to bed early, but now I have a little more incentive. It's comforting to know you will be praying for us at that time.
Elva - Thanks for the pep talk!!! Carla e-mailed me the other day and I told her to ask you about your new addiction!! :-) Thanks for sticking with us!!
J.P. & Julie - I was glad to see in an earlier post that you might come and visit us. I'm sure Allie and Ashley would enjoy playing with the kids. Sam and I think of you often - we brought Seinfeld episodes with us to watch, so when the kids take a nap we'll watch one to get our laughs for the day.
Poppy, Nanny, and Sara - I am so proud of Sam and the way he has handled questions that have been presented to him. They usually ask the men here, instead of the women. I'm sure he had many of the women in tears at the babyhouse yesterday. I believe the director and doctor can see what a loving family he has.
Love to all, Holly
(Judy - thank-you for the update on Martha. sam and i didn't realize the hurricane was so devasting until we watched fox news. I'm sure martha will do a great job with the food situation, she's had lots of practice.)

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First picture of Andrew is a "Keeper", looks like his hairs long enough to start combing.
Mowed your lawn today. Weather is beautiful. Dogs getting "Spoiled", would rather EAT than swim. Looks like the Catfish food that we've been feeding would intice them to at least take a swim with me. It is kind'of like some of the medicines ya see advertized on TV that have "side effects". The dogs have started meowing??? BABY barks/meows a good nite to you'all.
Love Dad and the never can be still, "Mom"

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I called Bell South today to check their international rates!!!! WOW!!! Would you believe they wanted $4.18 per minute??? I'm off to get one of those fabulous little cards Christy told me about.:)

All three kids are spending the night with friends so we will try to call tonight (morning for you) or even tomorrow night if we miss you. They are dying to talk to you all and I know you haven't been able to catch them on msn very much. Life with teenagers is different. smile

I know you will probably be on soon so email me if there is a better time to call.

Aunt Sara

6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the average number of children in the babyhouse? The look (eyes) of these two children sure has changed in the short time you have been with them. They have really opened up/blossomed.
Once again, thank you for allowing us to take this journey with you.

Sorry to tell you this but you don't have to live in Nashville to buy $3+ gas. AND the lines form here also. This is a new experience even for us old timers.

7:34 AM  

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